Wednesday, November 11, 2009

A whole bunch of random crap

I have been meaning to post for a couple of days now.  For today's bit of random BS, I am going to the blogger favorite...bullet points.

  • I spent a good deal of time and energy this weekend loading and unloading 2 truckloads of firewood. 

  • By Monday, EVERYTHING from the waist up hurt.  When I got up Monday morning to run, I could barely walk due to lower back pain.   Does this count as cross-training?

  • While perusing Facebook the other day, I noticed this back and forth between one of my college buddies and his wife.  First of all, neither one of them is what you would call healthy.  Both quite large persons.  They were making fun of a group of runners wearing Will Run for Beer shirts while eating at a place called Chunkys.  WTF, at least the runners will burn off all those calories they are consuming.  I know these people are not runners, but you are eating at the same place (most likely eating more than the runners) and you think it is ironic that the runners think they can pig out because they run!?

  • Running while windy outside:  tailwind = good; headwind = bad.

Dang, for some reason I had allot more in my head the other day to write and now I am drawing a blank.

A big thank you to all our service men and women and veterans today.  Because of you, I can write the crappy blog without worrying about the gov'ment spying on me.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Someone needs to work on their algorithm

I have been reading allot of blogs talking about going to the gym. Having never been a gym person, I really have never thought about joining one.

Today I decided to look online at some of the gyms in town. I pulled up the profile of one of the gyms on It gave very little information, but it listed some recommended businesses.
-2 STD testing clinics
-2 local motels

Well, I guess fit folks get their groove on a little more often and might need these services.