Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Cold, windy and freezing

Got up this morning for my run.  Looked at the temp gauge, which showed a balmy 29 F.  First of all, wtf?  I live in the south for a reason.  Don't like this cold shit.  Not. One. Bit.

Got all my running stuff on (long sleeve tech shirt, shorts, sweatshirt, socks and shoes).  As an aside, I was trying the sweatshirt instead of my running jackets because I seem to get too hot once I have been running awhile, but only on my arms.  Weird, I know.

While I was prepared for the cold, I was not ready for the wind.  The wind was from the west, blowing around 15 mph with gusts up to 20-25.  Damn, that is some serious wind-chill.  By the time I got to the home stretch, Needle's Needle was not liking this run.  Maybe I should have worn some running pants because that part of my body was revolting by the time I was done.

Needless to say, I was booking it for the last 1/2 mile or so trying to get done.

Total miles: 25

1 comment:

  1. This is funny for so many reasons.

    #1. 29F actually IS balmy where I come from! That's like a freakin' heat wave, which would inspire me to run in shorts and not much else.
    #2. Was your needle "revolting" as in it was nasty and gross or "revolting" as in rebelling?
    #3. "Needle's Needle", huh? Most guys would go for something a bit more intimidating/phallic sounding like "Rod's Rod" or "Dick's Dick". Your honesty is refreshing.
