Thursday, February 18, 2010

Nothing to see...move along

I keep expecting that the more I run and then blog about said running that eventually I might learn to write worth a damn.  Unfortunately for you, I don't think it is going to happen.  I finally came to the conclusion, that I am just a dull, boring man.  My life revolves around being at work (no actual work gets done) and doing stuff with the kids.

Sounds exciting...

I have discovered my workday pong.  Here at work, in the warehouse, is a ping pong table.  I started playing about a month ago.  It was the first time in 15 years that I picked up a paddle.  It was ugly to start.  Really ugly.  I have slowly gotten better, nowhere near that good, but I am out there to have some fun.

See, I told you I was boring.

Total miles: 33

1 comment:

  1. I've read worse. And met a few people more boring. And there's likely six or eight people on the planet who run slower than you and play ping pong more poorly than you.

    What?! I'm stingy with compliments! ;)
