Monday, August 10, 2009

Am finally going to go run again

Spent the weekend in Chattanooga with the family.  Took the kids to Ruby Falls and Rock City.  We had a good time, but alas, I did no running.   Mrs Needle told me I needed to wait until this week to start running again after the Cujo attack.

I am planning on running the Eva Bank Midnight Run 5K this Friday night.  The run starts at 11:59pm.  I have been wanting to run this ever since I moved back from Mississippi 8 years ago and this is the first time I have been able.  Last year I SEVERELY sprained my ankle in July and didn't train for almost a month.  Prior years my work schedule always fucked it up.  I have no goal for this race but to finish and not die.  Think I can handle that.

To my one reader (LM), I apologize for somehow deleting your comment.  That is what I get for trying to do it on my Blackberry.  I somehow made the blog eated your comment.  Sorry.  Maybe one day I will have another reader so that I can eated his/her comments.


  1. I totally forgive you for eating me.
    ...Um, sorry. That didn't come out quite right. Anyhow...

    Now that I know you' re Southern, I'm reading your posts with a twangy accent. I'm weird like that.

  2. Sorry LM, I will leave the eating to Mr. Moose. He looks much bigger than me and I don't want him cruising on the bike down from Frostburg to kick my a$$.

    I guess I need to incorporate ya'll into every post just to show how southern I am.
