Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Eva Bank Midnight Run

Finally getting around to writing this race report to be read by my one reader.  I apologize for the delay, but I was traveling for work yesterday and in general I am just lazy.

This run was last Friday night and started at 11:59 pm.  Before the run, I also had soccer practice for my daughter's team.  This started at 7 and ended around 8:15.  After practice, I headed home to eat some supper and try to take a nap.  I was able to rest for about an hour before I had to get up to go to the race.

No issues pre-race.  I ran into one of my old bosses and a couple of friends from the area.  I could not belive how much this race has grown.  There were almost 700 runners.

Overall craptastic race.  I ran the first mile way too fast for my slow ass.  I ran like a race rookie, but I did finish and that was my only goal for the race.  I was very surprised at the number of runners that were wearing cotton shirts.  That had to suck in that weather.  When I added the run to bimactive, it told me that the actual humidity during the run was 96%.  WTF!! 96%!  No wonder I was sweating so much.  So my offical excuse for sucking ass in the race is the humidity.  Hey, I will take what I can get.

Going to try to post a picture now and see what happens.

[caption id="attachment_20" align="alignleft" width="225" caption="Teh daughter with a new fashion accessory"]Teh daughter with a new fashion accessory[/caption]

She has what is believed to be a stress fracture in her ankle.  She will miss the first 4 or 5 games of the soccer season and she is bummed.


  1. Good job on finishing. That is CRAZY humidity, especially given the fact that it was at midnight! No one performs well in humidity, so don't feel badly.
    Teh daughter is a cutie! Wish mine was into soccer and Hannah Montana. Mine goes back to college next week. :(

  2. O, sure - Teh Loose Moose gets here and she's all sweetness and light.

    Meanwhile, back at her blog she's like defaming you up and down the line whatever that means!1!

    Yeah, humidity. Teh Number One Cause of @$$-Suckage.

    Well ... that and a clogged @$$. It's actually a tie between the two.

    I had to run a 5k in the humidity last night.

    Guess what?

    Sucked @$$.

    But getting it done's what it's all about. So good job.

    Moose is right about your daughter, though. She is cute.

    (Full disclosure: Though i am, admittedly, a Creepy Old Guy, I'm really not THAT kind of creepy, so don't take my comment re: yer kid the wrong way.)
