Monday, March 22, 2010

Math Runtarded

Well, I did get out for my long run this weekend. My plan was for 6 miles and when I mapped it, the total was 5.75. Teh Daughter wanted to run with me, so the plan was for me to run the 3 mile loop around the house. Then I was going to go in and wake her, get some hydration and the two of us would run another 3. Brilliant.

So, I am out of the house at 5:30 am to run the first loop. I was taking it really slow since I have no idea how fast I can run 6 miles and I really wanted to run 6. At the end of 3 miles, I knew that I have run it way, way too slow.

I head in the house and teh Daughter is awake. While she gets dressed, I get me some hydration and out the house we go. At the end of the driveway, I ask her which way she wants to go. We normally run counter-clockwise around the 'hood. She wants to try going the other direction.

Biggest problem going that way, is that you start off with a pretty decent sized hill. We attack that sucker, but by the time we hit the top she is ready to walk. We walk for few and then continue running. For the rest of the run, we run the flats and downhills and walk the uphills.

Since I run this route allot, when we get to 1 mile I ask her if she wants to just run 2 or run 3. She is struggling since this is only her 3rd run recently. She makes the decision to run only 2. Now, normally logic would tell you that since you have run 1 mile from home, you should turn around and go back to complete two total miles. Not is this brain.

According to my runtarded math skillz, we need to run another ½ mile and then turn around and come back. Two miles. Easy.

It was not until we were at the turnaround point that it dawns on me that after we run the ½ mile out and back, that we still have another mile to go. D'oh!

Running + Math = FAIL

After cleaning up and doing some errands in town, I spent from 12-4 on my feet outside helping with Upward soccer evaluations. In a way, I think that it helped keep some of the soreness at bay from the long run. However, I crashed pretty early on Saturday night. I am pretty sure I feel asleep on the couch by 9:30 watching basketball.

Total miles: 52


  1. Woo-hoo! My comment didn't get eated!

  2. It's unfair to ask people to run and do math, too. You should NOT learn basic math, NeedleD. Because once you do, you'll start measuring things. And, being a guy, you will eventually get around to measuring ... let's just say "certain philoprogenitive bodily appendages below the equator".

    And when you do?

    O man, Needle, YOU'RE THROUGH.

    And by YOU I mean YOU, not me!1!

    Hey, at least you got MORE than 5 in, so GOOD JOB! When you learn that math scam they call "rounding up", it'll count as SIX.

    Mathematicians!1! Pfffttt! F*cking SCAMMERS!1!

  3. Hahahahahah! I said "you got more than 5 in"!1! That could be taken in at least two ways! I must be losing my touch because I didn't even notice.

  4. If Needle got more than five in, he must've done Wife-O'-Needle at least twice, possibly thrice.


  5. Mock me all you want, but if it takes doing it 2 or 3 times to get 5 in, I am all for it!
