Friday, March 26, 2010

Strange Weather

This week has been really strange on the weather front. Monday morning was a mix of rain and snow. Temps were in the mid 30's most of the day. Obviously I skipped my run on Monday. Tuesday the high was 67. Wednesday had a high of 72. I got a good run in on Tuesday morning. However, when I got up Wednesday I was just not feeling it. Just had that "rest day" feel to it.

I should have gone out for a slow run or something. Regretted it all day long.

Wednesday night I went on to see what the forecast was for Thursday morning. Supposed to be nice with little chance of rain. Liars. It was pouring down rain when I got up. The rain continued most of the day and last night there were severe storms with some nice little tornados mixed in.

Temps this morning were great, right about 50. Problem was the wind. Stiff 15-20 mph winds. I still went out for my run and I am glad I did.

I have a long run planned tomorrow. Not sure yet of the distance, but I am thinking in the 7-8 mile range. Really planning on running a better pace than last weekend and I am planning on having Teh Daughter run part of it with me.

Another busy weekend coming up, but I am used to it now.

Total miles: 56

Monday, March 22, 2010

Math Runtarded

Well, I did get out for my long run this weekend. My plan was for 6 miles and when I mapped it, the total was 5.75. Teh Daughter wanted to run with me, so the plan was for me to run the 3 mile loop around the house. Then I was going to go in and wake her, get some hydration and the two of us would run another 3. Brilliant.

So, I am out of the house at 5:30 am to run the first loop. I was taking it really slow since I have no idea how fast I can run 6 miles and I really wanted to run 6. At the end of 3 miles, I knew that I have run it way, way too slow.

I head in the house and teh Daughter is awake. While she gets dressed, I get me some hydration and out the house we go. At the end of the driveway, I ask her which way she wants to go. We normally run counter-clockwise around the 'hood. She wants to try going the other direction.

Biggest problem going that way, is that you start off with a pretty decent sized hill. We attack that sucker, but by the time we hit the top she is ready to walk. We walk for few and then continue running. For the rest of the run, we run the flats and downhills and walk the uphills.

Since I run this route allot, when we get to 1 mile I ask her if she wants to just run 2 or run 3. She is struggling since this is only her 3rd run recently. She makes the decision to run only 2. Now, normally logic would tell you that since you have run 1 mile from home, you should turn around and go back to complete two total miles. Not is this brain.

According to my runtarded math skillz, we need to run another ½ mile and then turn around and come back. Two miles. Easy.

It was not until we were at the turnaround point that it dawns on me that after we run the ½ mile out and back, that we still have another mile to go. D'oh!

Running + Math = FAIL

After cleaning up and doing some errands in town, I spent from 12-4 on my feet outside helping with Upward soccer evaluations. In a way, I think that it helped keep some of the soreness at bay from the long run. However, I crashed pretty early on Saturday night. I am pretty sure I feel asleep on the couch by 9:30 watching basketball.

Total miles: 52

Friday, March 19, 2010

Off the injured reserve

No, it was not a running injury. Not likely that any of you remember my post about getting and splitting firewood, however this was the cause of my recent injury. I was sore for a couple of days after and in the middle of the night Thursday, my back went out. I could not stand up without it screaming at me. Out went the run on Friday and Saturday and Sunday, etc…

By the time I finally got to feeling better, it was almost a week later. It was another week until I started running again. Yup, two weeks off and I was planning on running a ½ marathon with only 6 weeks of training anyway. That half-marry is now 15 days away.

  • I have a long run of 4 miles
  • I have barely run in the last 3 weeks

So what do I do? My plan is to run 6+ miles tomorrow. If I can successfully run 6 tomorrow, do I go ahead and sign up? I have no clue about the route of this ½ marry. They do not have a posted map of the route, so I have no idea if it is hilly or flat or is a big circle that you have to run 20 times.

Please help of wise runners of the interwebs! Sad puppy dog eyes

Now, per LooMoo's instructions or at least my understanding of her instructions:

Anal, anal, anal. LooMoo luvs her some anal! X100

Total miles: 46

Thursday, March 4, 2010

The Con-body-cavity

(Ed. note: I wish I was a good enough writer to properly put my theory on the blog.  I know it was allot funnier in my head in the middle of my long run.  Enjoy and mock away in the comments)

I was planning on writing my theory of the blogosphere disappearance of one Glaven Q. Heisenberg.  Realizing that G is a sensative soul, I have instead decided to write a story about a completely fictional blogger name Gloven.  Plus I don't want to get sued for libel, he might get my fortune of approximately $2.35, $1.85 (got thirsty).

Now Gloven, aka G-love, is a humble librarian in the great northeast, possibly even in Jersey somewhere.  G-love is a runner and enjoys a hearty banter on teh interwebs.  He also has some weird obsession with his own n*ts@ck and an@l love.

See, doesn't sound like anyone I know.

Every year G-love and the Misses would go on their an@l annual vacation to Teh Great Concavity.  This also meant this was G-love's time to try to get into Teh Great Body Cavity that he so desires.

On the first night of vacation:

G-love: Hey baby, you know what big daddy G-love needs?

Misses: No

G-love: But I read that MooLoo lets Mr Moo do it!

Misses: No

G-love: I can be like Needle! You won't feel a thing!

Misses: No

G-love: I bet ToyBum would let me...

Misses: Oh hell no!

As usual, G-love is denied what he desires.

The next day, G-love devises a plan...

After a nice dinner, G-love and the Misses retire to hotel.  G-love surprises the Misses with a bottle of wine.  While G-love pours up a couple glasses of wine, he slips a roufie he picked up from the dealer at the softball game that day.

Unfortunately, G-love isn't that bright and gives the Misses the wrong glass.  As they are drinking, G-love starts to fell weird all over and the room starts spinning.

The next morning, G-love wakes up without a clue of what happened the night before.  The last thing he can remember is slipping the roufie into the Misses drink.

Misses: G-love, last night was sooo amazing!

G-love: Yeah....yeah, it was.

Misses: I can't believe that you would give up contact with all your friends to finally fulfill your dreams.

G-love: was totally worth it

G-love is franticly trying to remember last night, but nothing is coming back.  He also realizes that his only friends are on-line and now he has to give them up.  What will MooLoo, ToyBum, Dr Ric, Steve R and all his other blogger friends think?

G-love: Honey, do I really have to give up all my friends?

Misses: Well, you got what you wanted, now I get what I wanted.

The Misses, knowing full well that G-love passed out at 8:15 the night before, is finally getting her revenge for his an@l pestering ways.

Now, G-love has learned the truth and has returned to teh interwebs to spread his pervertedness with the masses.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Quick update

The pouring rain prevented me for my scheduled run yesterday, but I was able to get out for a nice 2.5 mile run this morning.  Really pushed the pace for the first 1.5 miles.

Teh Grand Theory of Teh Glaven Disappearance is in the works1!

Total miles: 42

Monday, March 1, 2010

First long run done

Saturday morning I completed my first "long" run in my super-non-scientific 1/2 marathon training plan.  As a matter of fact, I don't even have anything written down in this training plan...I wonder if that is going to be a problem??

During this run, my brain did some serious wandering.  I do believe that I came up with teh real reason why Glaven went missing.  I can't remember all of it, but trust me it was odd (just like him).   Expect more on this topic later.

After my run, teh Son had his Pack Pinewood Derby.  His car won 1st in speed and show.  Very cool.  Unfortunately, I missed it all because I had to leave to go coach his basketball team.  Once we got done with the derby, I had to go pick up some firewood.

Mrs Needle's grandfather had a tree cut down Friday and had them leave some firewood sized pieces for me.  Loaded a full size truck and 8 foot trailer with wood.  Some of the pieces are a good 2 foot around (that's what she said!1!).  Unloaded the trailer when I got home and then headed to teh Daughters basketball game.

Crashed early Saturday night.

Sunday was teh Son's birthday.  I celebrated by getting up and going outside to split and stack firewood for 2 hours.  Fun, fun.  After dealing with the firewood, I loaded the truck and trailer up with stuff we are donating to a local yard sale that is raising money for the Susan G Komen foundation.

Did some Girl Scout stuff with teh Daughter and family where she got her badges she has earned.  Finally, crashed at home.

This morning...every. muscle. hurts.  All. of. them.  Even my pinkie finger hurts.

run+firewood+yard sale stuff=very sore and tired Needle

Needed to go to work just to rest up for a day or so.

Total Miles: 40